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Ready To Get Started With Collins Writing?
Three Things You Can Do Tomorrow

Start class with a Type Two review of yesterday’s content. Increase engagement, and find out what students remember with one of our tried-and-true prompts. Set a short time limit, quickly check responses over the shoulder as students write, and spend a few minutes validating correct answers and clarifying content as needed.

Get your feet wet using Focus Correction Areas (FCAs). Use one of our go-to Type Three assignments (including full lesson plans!) to help you select the right criteria for your grade level and walk you through the steps. Collect these Type Threes and score them using the FCAs as your criteria. Assigning point values to each FCA makes grading a breeze.

After grading your next assignment (test, quiz, essay, project. etc.), carve out five minutes of class time for Type One writing. Ask students to review their grade and your feedback and jot down one thing they did well and one area they need to improve. Quickly check for completion and answer student questions about their grades as needed.
Why start class with a
Type Two review?

Why should I
use FCAs?

Why use Type One to reflect on feedback?

Writing about learning improves retrieval for better retention.
Responding on paper, as opposed to soliciting oral responses from a handful of students, increases engagement, participation, and accountability.
Visible response on paper provides a quick in-the-moment formative assessment and improves teacher instruction.

Fewer criteria provide clarity and focus as students learn to apply a variety of writing skills.
The narrower focus on FCAs strengthens instruction and helps students understand exactly what is expected.
Focusing on just the FCAs streamlines the grading process and saves teachers time typically providing feedback that students ignore!

If we want students to read our feedback, let’s give them time to do it!
The low-risk written reflection formalizes the process without adding to teacher workload.
Reflecting on progress builds accountability and growth mindset.
Check out our Free Resources for strategies and materials you can use tomorrow.
Find a public training session online or in your area for an engaging introduction to the Five Types of Writing and other cross-curricular writing strategies.
Purchase one of our core books for an
on-your-own introduction
Collins Writing: Improving Student Performance Through Writing and Thinking Across the Curriculum is the perfect place to start if you’re interested in learning about all Five Types of Writing.

Writing Roadmap is designed specifically for the ELA teacher looking for guidance in which writing skills to teach and how to teach them using Type Three Writing and Focus Correction Areas.

The Retrieval Routine is for anyone looking to improve content retention through quickwrites and other brain-based activities.

Have questions about getting started? Need help with classroom implementation? Check out our FAQ page for answers to some of the most common questions about Collins Writing.
Contact us to learn more.
Contact Us for a free consultation or to schedule on-site training with one of our associates.